MEGA Miami Fan Attendance -Discussion


Feb 13, 2013
Went to the game last night. Lets say i was highly disappointed in the turn out. I dont too care for what the media and rival fans say but i want the players to feel the love every game, V FSU or v Bethune.

If you live out of state or way up central and north FL, this is not about u. The money out of state fans have to spend to get to 1 game, dwarfs what local fans need to spend on season tickets.

Miami fans game attendance comes down to culture and mindset. Miami Dade population is 2.6 mill as of 2021, Broward is 1.9 mill and palm beach county is 1.5 mill. Roughly 6 million people live within 1 hour of Hard Rock stadium. Miami is a national program. Not getting 55-60k every week is culture and mindset.

I do put alot of it on the University. They do a really poor job of marketing the program. Why dont they bomb local gas stations and corner stores with canes gear and memorabilia, billboards, radio spots.

So FL has a higher median income than most small college towns. We can claim that other university have more alums than Miami, thats true. But Miami also attracts more fans that have no affiliation with the university because of brand recognition. The University is not maximizing the brand recognition.

In addition to the marketing i spoke of, i would reduce the capacity of Hard Rock and make the tickets more scarce.

This is gonna be the last negative fodder rivals and media use against us. We need to change it and stop making excuses.

Not because its been one way doesnt mean it always has to be that way. It only remain that way if we do the same thing. Winning alone wont bring fans. I seen clips of 2001 and there were 40k v Syracuse

Btw when i say market the team. Play on the hometown all american. There should be a billboard all over SO FL of Kam, James. They are not doing enough.
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its Bethune. this game was never going to be packed. we aren't that type of city or fanbase. its not followed like a college town team would be and nor does everyones lives revolve around it. keep winning and the conf games will be better attended than what we've seen so far.
Even during peak seasons, a Thursday night game against an FCS team would only draw maybe 35,000 people. It kind of is what it is. I gave up on hoping for fans to turn up for games like this.
Bethune on a weeknight is gonna be an even tougher pull than usual. Its just the nature of the beast, had a couple people turn me down because its a school night and such. I wouldnt stress this game, when schedule came out you already knew this game would be tough draw..
its Bethune. this game was never going to be packed. we aren't that type of city or fanbase. its not followed like a college town team would be and nor does everyones lives revolve around it. keep winning and the conf games will be better attended than what we've seen so far.
Your idea is to make excuses. Thats all the fans do. Make excuses and complain online when the team doesnt perform. Culture and mindset.
Well I couldn't make it because I caught Covid last game, so I'm on bed rest/quarantine.

Next home game in October should have a good crowd.

Vs Bethune cookman

2022- 56,795

I don't think the crowd last night was anywhere close to those 2019 & 2022 numbers.
Fetch Mean Girls GIF by Paramount Movies

The low numbers last Night looked awful but it was a dog**** opponent on a Thursday night.

Here is a picture of the OB from 2001 vs Temple. We are the #1 team. We lost 1 game the previous season. This is who we are.

When Schnelly started changing Miami, the first thing he had to change was the culture and mindset of the program and the players. Miami was Sun tan U. He could have said how can we challenge Michigan, OU, Nebraska and Bama etc.Its the same challenge Mario has. If u can make all these changes to get to FSU or Clemson, u can also get to Bethune.

Its culture and mindset. Not circumstances. I got off a 5, went home. Shower , eat, wait for my wife to get home and got on 95. Back home at 11:30. Am back at work. Culture and mindset. Not circumstances. Yes some peoole want to but cant make it. We have alot who can but supporting v Bethune is not important.
Do they work with the dolphins at all other than the occasional use of facilities?
There is nothing different about last night than any other situation against a team like that in the last 40+ years...
This is and what has always been what Miami Football attendance will be...
If yall notice i put alot of it on the university. I dont think they are doing enough to market the team and also i said i would reduce the capacity of the stadium. The excuses i hear just makes my point, culture and mindset. Its Bethune, its Thursday, alum. Put me in charge of it and see how quickly them excuses go out the window.

I would block of whole sections and put projectors there. Billboards in every zip code. Radio spots. Bomb the local stores and kids games.
I do put alot of it on the University. They do a really poor job of marketing the program. Why dont they bomb local gas stations and corner stores with canes gear and memorabilia, billboards, radio spots.
Logistically, I would think it would be easier for them to fling the gates wide open to the public for free for games like Bethune, or drop ticket prices down to a buck a piece, or even half priced tickets while throw in an incentive--a T-shirt or something. Marketing is pricey and Hurricane Football is a business.