MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

First before you guys complain about this is already a topic and there are many threads on this. save the time and just go view other threads then.

Yes alot of our other corners and dbs have not been playing well. However, We have watched Ivey and Blades suck for legit 5-6 years. SUCK!!! No matter how much practice they do, no matter what coaches we have, They suck and will always suck!!! there is a reason they are 5-6 year seniors. They will never sniff the NFL ... Coaches get cat fished by ivey and blades because of their size.

I dont understand how mario and the staff sit their and watch film and keep those guys in and getting snaps. IDC what they do at practice, the gameday film speaks for itself and they have always sucked, they are soft and once again, they are TERRIBLE.

This may be harsh but if we want to win, its going to be when they are not playing, that is just the reality.

If Mario does not fix this, us fans at the game, legit need to start a chant --- ivey sucks , blades sucks

We need change, its disrespectful to us as fans to keep playing them, disrespectful to the other kids on the team to keep playing them.
I have finally read the definitive proof for the need for birth control. BTW, spell check and grammar check might have made your childish tantrum at least readable

Better Chant "BAN OP"
you must know nothing about football. Blades has never been good for us.
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First of all no one is starting that dumbass chant at the game. Singling out a player, any player in the middle of action is dumb. Most stupid idea I have ever read. Next thing, you would think these man gave up 400+ yards like UNC did against their opponents. Who are similar in caliber to ours so far. The only people who are crying is the people who haven't accurately assess where we are as a team. I expect our team to make some plays and give up some plays, regardless of who is in the lineup on D. We gave up 249 passing v BCC and 207 v Southern Miss. That's about where I expect them to be, with the plus that we totally shut them down running the ball with the RBs. We have more talented CBs than Ivey, but the coaches are not gonna put them out there if they are not sure of what to do. @Stevo365 showed how Curtis got beat off poor alignment for that TD, that's what happens with young players.
We don't start chants, we fly banners!

/sarcasm *kinda*

Id like to see less of ivey...but ey, unless covid somehow comes back like its 2020 and cancels this year to give everyone another yr of eligibility, its their last ones here. Just is what it is at this point...most I can do is hope these dudes have a random breakthrough like Davon Johnson in 2012 lol

Blades should be back at CB tho IMO.
Realized coaches are delusional playing ivey and blades no matter what, idk what they think keeping them in after watching them suck every game.. Al blades does a fair catch with the ball right in his face to make an INT, he was too scared. Go play video games blades
There's not much hope with coaches to dumb to see what you see.