Coaching Does Mario have a game/time management assistant?

rsa coral gables

Jul 21, 2012
I posted this porst a few days ago following a conversation I had with someone whose son works in the program (low level operations). i asked for confirmation from those "in the know".

does Mario have an game/time management assistant on the sidelines during the game?

i spoke with someone this weekend whose son works inside the football program. he told me two curious things.

1. mario has a "game/time management" person on the sideline that helps him with game/time management issues. maybe someone that is connected can confirm or deny.

2. most people around Mario are intimidated by him and fear providing him with contradictory information, Yikes! I hope and doubt that this applies to Zo.
I know a lot of NFL teams have data scientist or use AI to help them make clock and game decisions…based on the decisions Mario has made….it sure seems like it’s him and maybe one other coach making these decisions based on their gut.

He really needs an eye in the sky like an Ernie Adams or someone who can run the situation in real time to help provide guidance
On most staffs, one of the assistant coaches usually helps with this. Same with basketball. It’s not really that big of a deal..
I posted this porst a few days ago following a conversation I had with someone whose son works in the program (low level operations). i asked for confirmation from those "in the know".

does Mario have an game/time management assistant on the sidelines during the game?
What we coaching clinics he has done in the past off season, he needs to add this or a version of it this season with someone to help him out.

Despite that, in the end, he has proven that he can t help himself. Hopefully the light comes on. It’s beyond embarrassing!!
I posted this porst a few days ago following a conversation I had with someone whose son works in the program (low level operations). i asked for confirmation from those "in the know".

does Mario have an game/time management assistant on the sidelines during the game?
We need a, “Hey dumbass! Kneel!”, Coach
Is that the same guy who Mirabel was yelling at, to take a knee, at the end of the GT game?

BTW, he was yelling at Dawson and Mario lol

I've always expected Mario to, either, cost us a game or keep a game close, with his gameday decisions. That's always been the trade off... talent acquisition vs **** poor gameday coaching. Just like his mentor...

.... and here it comes lol
He needs to blow Saban’s phone up before, during and after games!! He has to make a big jump as a game day coach if we are going to succeed.
We'd be better if he took Saturdays off.

There's gotta be an app to help him.