NFL Damar Hamlin - Bills & Former Pitt Player

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Krazy is just being himself. Some of the other band's are just overreach. People can have the opinion (ignorant or not) that others factors can be into play. In this case, I find that absurd.. but enough to ban??? Just lock the thread or grow thicker skin.

I'd be offended about getting off topic here but it wouldn't be CIS if it didn't. Get well soon Damar!
It doesn’t belong on the main boards and when one goes for it by an owner, that’s the standard for the others.
I don’t care one way or the other except that it doesn’t belong on the main boards and the first guy caught a ban from a board owner for it so the others, in my opinion, needed to be treated the same way. We’re in no way going to allow the OT board lunacy to carry over to the main boards. The thread was subsequently moved to OT. I try to stay out of the OT forum and leave it to those who are active on it to do as they see fit.
I don’t care one way or the other except that it doesn’t belong on the main boards and the first guy caught a ban from a board owner for it so the others, in my opinion, needed to be treated the same way. We’re in no way going to allow the OT board lunacy to carry over to the main boards. The thread was subsequently moved to OT. I try to stay out of the OT forum and leave it to those who are active on it to do as they see fit.

It’s just a shame that it well-meaning thread showing concern for this tragic accident turns into a ****ing contest about the vaccine. It shouldn’t necessarily have to go to the OT, I understand why it did, but it’s just a shame
It’s just a shame that it well-meaning thread showing concern for this tragic accident turns into a ****ing contest about the vaccine. It shouldn’t necessarily have to go to the OT, I understand why it did, but it’s just a shame
Personally, I would have left it where it was and kept banning people but it was the least destructive and time consuming option so I get it. It had crossed my mind as well.
BTW, any new updates on the young man? Still praying for the man and his family

I was chatting with a co-worker today and she told me her husband's cancer came back (was cancer free in 2009). Sad

Life is precious
BTW, any new updates on the young man? Still praying for the man and his family

I was chatting with a co-worker today and she told me her husband's cancer came back (was cancer free in 2009). Sad

Life is precious

Here’s the deal I looked into the treatment into this particular condition (assuming it is CC), the most important thing is how soon the AED was used, I wish somebody had that information.

They say if you use it within a couple of minutes, the prognosis is excellent, 4-5 minutes or more, the prognosis becomes markedly worse, if an AED is not used within say like a certain number of minutes it’s almost sure death.

Does anyone know how soon exactly after he fell they defibrillated him?
Personally, I would have left it where it was and kept banning people but it was the least destructive and time consuming option so I get it. It had crossed my mind as well.

I am a bit of a formalist when it comes to board categories, lol. Especially when the thread's going off the rails.
Here’s the deal I looked into the treatment into this particular condition (assuming it is CC), the most important thing is how soon the AED was used, I wish somebody had that information.

They say if you use it within a couple of minutes, the prognosis is excellent, 4-5 minutes or more, the prognosis becomes markedly worse, if an AED is not used within say like a certain number of minutes it’s almost sure death.

Does anyone know how soon exactly after he fell they defibrillated him?
Yeah, when they said they were doing CPR for 9 mins... I was thinking... that's not good. But if they used it sometime in between (and then resumed CPR), then that is more comforting to hear.
Yeah, when they said they were doing CPR for 9 mins... I was thinking... that's not good. But if they used it sometime in between (and then resumed CPR), then that is more comforting to hear.

Put it this way, I am extremely concerned. Not just over his life, which I still am, he’s obviously alive right now, but about anoxia. It’s not that I’m being morbid, it’s that this just hit me really hard and the kid is 24 years old. His whole life is ahead of him and I pray he recovers completely.
Please stop. You don’t understand science or statistics. I realize you can’t help yourself but maybe, I don’t know, look in the mirror and slap yourself in the face.

Start your own thread if that’s what you want - to keep going with this stuff.

Oh, I understand all too well. I understand the science and I understand the statistics. Further, I understand biophysics.

A family member became quite sick with flu symptoms while at the university - went to the facililties - and of course she tested positive for CV-19. Couldn't sleep, sore, miserable, etc.

(So did everyone else as they multiplied the sensitivity 40X. Even the INVENTOR of the test stated again and again, that this was NOT designed for detecting these viruses - and the results thereof were meaninigless.)

The University told her she would have to self-isolate for ten days. She decided to do so at home - I was told about it, called her, and told her I'd see her at 10:AM, and by sundown she would be done with it.

No practicing medicine without a license. No medicine involved. I used physics. Biophysics.

Showed her how to mix the ingredients for the target chemical, and to take a fresh, small batch on the hour until bed.

4:00 PM she's laying out in the sun, no symptoms. She was done, and DONE with it.

What we did was steal electrons from the tiny, tiny little viruses. They're so small, when you rip away 2-5 electrons - it's like they explode - come apart.

And most important - none of the family nor extended family got the clot shots. By definition of everything holy - mRNA shots - are NOT and NEVER should be confused with the word, "vaccine." A vaccine has parts of, dead viruses, or weakened viruses that are introduced into the blood - triggering an immune response as designed - and refined - by generations of nature.

That mRNA that everyone got - it's not just bad - it weakens your immune system - and just to mention one item - It's like MIRACLE GROW for cancer.

Read the numbers. The real numbers from multiple nations - not the lying-assed US sources.

I like and respect what you contribute here about football - but you're clearly out in the weeds, deep in the woods on the topic.

You see, I automatically know what a vaccine is - I automatically know what mRNA is - and never shall the two be one.

And of course, I never - EVER - believe sources that are known liars.

Oh - cancer should be pretty much eradicated as events unfold and what I know - becomes known to the public - on killing cancer.
Statistics - hard numbers?

How many athletes suffer sudden cardiac DEATH?

2.4 per month - from 1966-2004. Data from:

46.4 per month - from 2021-2022 Data from:
[I]No, no correlation at all.[/I]

Why is it that folks who made a mistake and fell for some big lie - DON'T get mad at those who lied and put them at risk - but get mad at those who tell them the truth? ****! That alone is a testament to their level of intelligence, and why they fell for the lies in the first place.
Any chance this guy was vaccinated? I’ll hang up and listen.

“I watched the play live both as a fan and a cardiologist and I saw blunt neck and chest trauma, a brief recovery after the tackle and then a classic cardiac arrest. I have communicated to one of the most experienced trainers in the world and we agree that it was a cardiac arrest in the setting of a big surge of adrenalin. If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis.” – Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company
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