Can we clarify......


Sep 29, 2014
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

Don't make our fans think.
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

There's a lot going in your thread OP. Frankly, you're all over the place. But any hooo.

No, most players are not developed under this staff but of coarse there are a few exceptions. And yes, AG sucks as a game day coach as he has not consistently called a complete game. Granted, the players have to execute but this staff (AG's) has a track record of failure and under-performing. My thought is when the players do perform well it is in spite of the AG's coaching philosophy and usually against a sub par opponent.

Sure, you can cherry-pick and find guys that have progressed but not as a team. The team had not shown the ability to improve as the season progressed, but we have yet to complete this season. However, they've shown me enough to say we need new leadership.

And for your last question. I would rather have a coach they can:

1. prepare the team
2. gameplan for success
3. get the talent to perform (it's creating a culture). Heck I do it at work with my groups
4. win the games you should win in good flare
5. be competitive and grow into the dominant program we can be

Hope that answers your question(s)
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It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

If that's the case, why haven't Howard, Bush, Carter, Burns or Crawford lived up to their potentials?

Just bad luck?

The fact we only have a handful of kids who have excelled here given their talent levels is a damning indictment that this coaching staff can't develop.
Can we just agree that regardless of the reason, he sucks?

Hahaha I hate that it's come to this. Especially since the admin doesn't SEEM like they are putting any real heat on his seat. So if we gotta stick by him then I'd like to hope that all he has to do is fix one thing. Just false hope I guess. :/
Corn Elder has morphed into Richard Sherman all of a sudden. Good young player. Excellent future. But what has he done that is so significant that he's always pointed to when guys want to either claim that: a. Folden is developing players; b. Out of state players are better than local players, or; c. Tracy Howard is the anti-Christ.
Can we just agree that regardless of the reason, he sucks?

Hahaha I hate that it's come to this. Especially since the admin doesn't SEEM like they are putting any real heat on his seat. So if we gotta stick by him then I'd like to hope that all he has to do is fix one thing. Just false hope I guess. :/

If it was easy to just "fix" being a **** HC, then none of them would ever get fired. I'd rather "fix" things than lose my $2.5M pet year gig.
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

There's a lot going in your thread OP. Frankly, you're all over the place. But any hooo.

No, most players are not developed under this staff but of coarse there are a few exceptions. And yes, AG sucks as a game day coach as he has not consistently called a complete game. Granted, the players have to execute but this staff (AG's) has a track record of failure and under-performing. My thought is when the players do perform well it is in spite of the AG's coaching philosophy and usually against a sub par opponent.

Sure, you can cherry-pick and find guys that have progressed but not as a team. The team had not shown the ability to improve as the season progressed, but we have yet to complete this season. However, they've shown me enough to say we need new leadership.

And for your last question. I would rather have a coach they can:

1. prepare the team
2. gameplan for success
3. get the talent to perform (it's creating a culture). Heck I do it at work with my groups
4. win the games you should win in good flare
5. be competitive and grow into the dominant program we can be

Hope that answers your question(s)

Sorry for that. I just type as I think and don't care to structure it like I'm in school but if it's confusing then I'll change my approach.

So after reading your post I must ask..... How can one truly define developing a player? Do you feel as if the players are regressing or do you think that it's just x and o? Basically implying that another coach who knew his game day x and os could come in and turn this talent into winners over night?

And yes, I agree. He hasn't developed us as a team but I'm more so focused on the development of the players individually.

And every team in the nation wants a coach like the one you listed but there are only a handful of those coaching. The rest are on message boards. Lol. So answer my question and don't tell me what you want personally.
It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

If that's the case, why haven't Howard, Bush, Carter, Burns or Crawford lived up to their potentials?

Just bad luck?

The fact we only have a handful of kids who have excelled here given their talent levels is a damning indictment that this coaching staff can't develop.

See, this is where I'm confused. Like I asked the other poster. What do you consider development? Is it just scheme, alignment, and gameday coaching? Or is it that mixed in with s&c, training table, and graduation percentage?

Do you think all of those players you named would excel if the scheme was changed? Or do you feel as if they lack overall development even of the scheme changed?
Can we just agree that regardless of the reason, he sucks?

Hahaha I hate that it's come to this. Especially since the admin doesn't SEEM like they are putting any real heat on his seat. So if we gotta stick by him then I'd like to hope that all he has to do is fix one thing. Just false hope I guess. :/

If it was easy to just "fix" being a **** HC, then none of them would ever get fired. I'd rather "fix" things than lose my $2.5M pet year gig.
Why is that? You think it's just a matter of stubbornness and arrogance? Or just being in over ones head?
Can we just agree that regardless of the reason, he sucks?

Hahaha I hate that it's come to this. Especially since the admin doesn't SEEM like they are putting any real heat on his seat. So if we gotta stick by him then I'd like to hope that all he has to do is fix one thing. Just false hope I guess. :/

If it was easy to just "fix" being a **** HC, then none of them would ever get fired. I'd rather "fix" things than lose my $2.5M pet year gig.
Why is that? You think it's just a matter of stubbornness and arrogance? Or just being in over ones head?
I think that being a HC is just like having any other leadership job. Either you're good at it, our you aren't.

HC is no different than any other high level job where people fail all the time and get fired all the time. Just because someone hires you to be HC doesn't mean you're going to be good at it.
My thoughts:

1) A head coach rarely has a "direct" effect on player development. That is most likely something between the player's work ethic, desire & ability and their position coach. The head coach's input on player development comes primarily in the culture of the program they set forth. In this regard coach Golden has done fairly well in player development. He instituted the U-Tuff Program, which has helped.

2) Golden is a fairly good game day coach when facing inferior opponents, not so much when facing quality opponents. Again, I continue to say that Golden is a product of the late 80's Penn State teams. Anyone old enough can remember how JoePa would run it up against the weaker teams on his schedule then play the same style of low speed back peddling against good teams that Golden does with UM today. I tend to think golden would be a better game day coach if we can get FSU to wear South Carolina A & T uniforms. lol
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

is it too much to ask for a coach that can develop players AND put them in the position to succeed?

also, why are those mutually exclusive? i think he sucks at both.

and those are 2 examples out of an 80+ person roster. id also add duke, perryman, and kaaya. but still, they are probably the exception to the rule and developing in spite of the coaches and from their own hard work. how many highly touted players have come here and been barely average their entire careers? too many to count. armbrister has gotten better but it's not like hes a first rounder. we dont have 1 difference maker on the DL. is that because every guy we've recruited was overrated? highly doubtful.

as for his gameday coaching ability, i dont think i need to waste my time typing about that...we all know how inadequate he is
Corn Elder has morphed into Richard Sherman all of a sudden. Good young player. Excellent future. But what has he done that is so significant that he's always pointed to when guys want to either claim that: a. Folden is developing players; b. Out of state players are better than local players, or; c. Tracy Howard is the anti-Christ.

This is the god **** truth.

I like Corn a lot but he has become a legend without doing anything.

As far as OPs question, its both.

Average recruiter, horrible schematically, bad on game day. Development is difficult. I'm sure the players are executing what they are taught (development) but the scheme is so disadvantageous that they look bad.
I see half of us saying that Goldens failure comes from a lack of player "development" and the other saying golden fails at game day coaching. So which is it? Does Golden really suck at developing football players? Or does he just suck at game day coaching?

As much as I hate Golden it's hard to look at a guy like Thurston Armbrister and say he wasn't developed. It's hard to say Corn Elder isn't developing.

Do you guys think it's a case of him being able to do everything right BUT game day coach? Or just him sucking overall?

And would you rather have a coach that knew exactly how to put players in a pos. to succeed ON THE FIELD but sucked at all the other stuff like recruiting, s&c, training table etc?

Talk to me

Why do things always have to be one thing or the other? Around here, you're either a slurper or a moper...there's no in between. It's stupid but reflects society as a whole. IMO, AG has issues with both of those things. Now what do we do????
AG is developing players into excellent students who graduate.

That is one of the chief goals our administration has when finding a coach. It's why the two finalists were Golden and Edsall. It's why Randy was hired.

By that measure, he's getting the job done.

If you are paying to see the team actually compete for championships, you are being robbed. You are a sucker b/c Donna could care less about a title if it means good behavior and good grades. And she has no problem firing a coach, using your money to pay the buyout, and then hiring another wet noodle coach with the same academic emphasis.
AG is developing players into excellent students who graduate.

That is one of the chief goals our administration has when finding a coach. It's why the two finalists were Golden and Edsall. It's why Randy was hired.

By that measure, he's getting the job done.

If you are paying to see the team actually compete for championships, you are being robbed. You are a sucker b/c Donna could care less about a title if it means good behavior and good grades. And she has no problem firing a coach, using your money to pay the buyout, and then hiring another wet noodle coach with the same academic emphasis.

Do you really think Folden gives a fck about academics any more than any other coach at a high level program? Look at all the morons and criminals he's signed who have gone AWOL. He's not looking for Rhodes scholars and scientists.

He doesn't suck because he's hyper focused on academics. He sucks because he's a **** leader with **** philosophies that don't mesh well with the talent in our recruiting base.