Off-Topic Alex Murdaugh

If the good ole' boy system in this Country had a face, it would be the Murdaughs. Like the judge said at His sentencing today, how many people did Him and the other patriarchs in His family sentence to death for much less? Makes you wonder.
Surprise he was a successful lawyer. He comes off as an idiotic hayseed.
This guy is guilty of far more than what went on in this case, sadly we will most likely never know everything he and his family did. I am just sad us SC taxpayers have to support his sorry *** now until he finally dies. I would be more than happy to donate a hollow point and pull the trigger to put this man where he belongs.
This guy is guilty of far more than what went on in this case, sadly we will most likely never know everything he and his family did. I am just sad us SC taxpayers have to support his sorry *** now until he finally dies. I would be more than happy to donate a hollow point and pull the trigger to put this man where he belongs.
I think he kills himself in prison. Therefore, you won't have to worry about paying for his stay.
This guy is guilty of far more than what went on in this case, sadly we will most likely never know everything he and his family did. I am just sad us SC taxpayers have to support his sorry *** now until he finally dies. I would be more than happy to donate a hollow point and pull the trigger to put this man where he belongs.
i dont think he makes it naturally to the end of his natural life. i think he gets taken out or commits suicide before.
Guess all things Murdaugh belong in this thread now. If you missed mine and others posts in the crim thread about this thread and are interested in knowing more- i highlay recommend the HBO doc Low country…and not as highly (but it is still good) recommend the netflix doc.

this just broke…Buster has got to be getting nervous….

Guess all things Murdaugh belong in this thread now. If you missed mine and others posts in the crim thread about this thread and are interested in knowing more- i highlay recommend the HBO doc Low country…and not as highly (but it is still good) recommend the netflix doc.

this just broke…Buster has got to be getting nervous….

**** this entire family. Just a bunch of bad people.