Coaching AD/Mario/Coaching Assistant thread

But he outsourced it to us. We're supposed to tag him and whatnot.

Hopefully, this will help the bounce rate. And I don't know what in the **** I am talking about.
I'm mainly referring to the CIS insiders if they have any updates on news. I'll take care of all the Twitter News updates and etc
hopefully TVD is here for two years. I will take the known commodity vs the prospect who hasn't shown he can perform.
Agree 100% but you gotta strike while the iron is hot. If TVD finishes strong and keeps the same pace or improves next year he SHOULD BE a 1st round guy.
Franklin off the Market
You guys have this all backwards.....

Rhett takes HC job at SMU and takes Manny with him as the DC.

By the way, can't wait to see what Penn State fans think of that Franklin extension.
I'm drinking heavily right now with rabid Penn St family...

50-50 split on he's a coach vs he's a corch. Two brothers about to come to blows.