Fall Camp 2023 Media Day Updates

Comments (142)

I have no idea because nobody wants to just spit it out and say what exactly is going on from a medical perspective. From what I understand Nelson had his knee scoped/cleaned out last summer in what I understand is a fairly routine procedure. He was supposed to be back at the start of last season or miss 2-3 games at the most.

What I want to know is how exactly does the situation go from that to missing practically the entire 2022 season, the whole 2023 off season with the possibility of missing the entire 2023 season? What exactly is the nature of these "setbacks"?
Thank you. Their must be something causing that type of chronic reoccurring inflammation. Hope the kid can recover and get his playing career back on track.

Edit. Just looked it up. Apparently, one of the possible long term complications from an arthroscopy is persistent pain, swelling and stiffness of the knee.
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Not sure if it’s; last years showing, the years of hype that lead to us still sucking, the state of the ACC, the state of college football, the gut feeling this years team is just not very good, the success of basketball, my own daughter starting kindergarten next week or a combination of them all but i have yet to get hyped about a new season starting.

That’s what Miami does to people…