NIL Money For High Schoolers

Look, anyone who is shocked that @crossover22[]_[] says bigoted things and then tries to backpedal and turn those comments into peer-evaluated social studies thesis statements supported by vague articles and stats he read online...

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The real hallmark of this kind of @crossover22[]_[] 's criticism involves the assumptions and the hot-button words. There's always so much concern about "the kids" and "inner-city" individuals, and let's not forget the inevitable invocation of the worst place on the planet, CHICAGO. It's all a part of the same faulty analysis and stereotyping.

Let's just be honest. I don't care how much money you have, as long as know...USE A BANK, you are not out there being robbed every day. There are soooo many people with far more money than a few hundred P5 football/basketball players, and they are not all being robbed. And, sure, some can claim that this is also about age/immaturity, but...

There are plenty of young "influencers" who make money. Young models. Young individual sports stars like tennis players and golfers. Young soccer and basketball players in countries not named "the USA". There are young pop stars and young actors. In short, I am not sure why we are bemoaning some sort of massive nouveau riche problem among a (comparatively) small group of newly-empowered (last 2 years) high-level football/basketball players.

How is it that EVERY OTHER GROUP of "young" people who have started to make money...are not surrounded 247 by stickup artists and killers? Nobody says that "kids" are not envious or any other emotion. But there are SO MANY avenues by which young people can make money...can anyone tell me when some young envious kids robbed BTS because they had money?

This whole expression of "concern for inner-city kids" is so strange. Someone has mentioned the Coogan Law, which could easily be enacted in the 49 states not named California if people really carrrrred so much. Otherwise, it's very condescending and biased to ONLY express concern recently, and only for fooball and basketball players earning NIL (if they come from the inner city), while ignoring all other walks of life that are allowing young people to make large sums of money before they reach the age of adulthood.

I'm sure @crossover22[]_[] will soon reference yet another study or article that he found online. Good for him. But there was really no reason to bring "inner city youth" or "Chicago" into this conversation. ANYONE who gets a large sum of money at a relatively young age (teen-agers or young adults) without the benefit of financial obligation is subject to any number of risks. That has been happening for quite a long time, and will continue to happen. Two years worth of NIL payments to a few hundred of the better pre-professional football/basketball players is not going to change that equation.
It’s not just young people who don’t know what to do with money. There’s countless stories about adult lottery winners who blow through what should be “never work again” money. Don’t forget the ever growing list of professional athletes who end up bagging groceries after their athletic careers end. To restrict someone’s earning potential because “they can’t handle it” is absolutely ridiculous. Our entire economy is based on people being irresponsible with money. If everyone got fiscally responsible all of the sudden, half the country would go out of business
Bigoted? Lmfao wow. Dumbest thing I've read in a while. Congrats. Caring about kids is bigoted. Let me guess because I said inner cities.

If only fairy tales lined up with data. According to a University of California, San Diego paper published in the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology, young adults are more envious than older adults. They are more envious over looks and for a wider range of other reasons, too.

**** facts!!!!! No need for them *****.
Correlation doesn't mean causation.
Just because Name X child has more money then Name Y, and he/she is envious of the other, does not mean, it will lead to more killings.
The money thing MAY is likely a variable under the umbrella of the main causation, which varies from case to case but often...
Mental health issues with the combination ignoring a pervasive increasingly violent society.
I think this is good but in the same vein teaching financial literacy is pivotal to these kids, it should be one of the first courses they enroll in and the money THEY GENERATE for the schools should be available to them once they pass said course. Of course it won't be completely followed by all administrators/student athletes but at least you know they've had the best chance for success financially speaking.
Yup and I would take it a step further at the college level where every team has to employee a financial advisor who is available to all the student athletes.

I go through 3784739 dumb trainings at work. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to require players, once a quarter to sit through a 1 hour financial advisor training/update.
I agree with you I just don’t agree with the stipulation that it has to be an in state school. That actually inhibits their ability to earn their worth and limits their choices. It’s counterintuitive to the goal and obviously geared towards benefiting the colleges.
I can see the thinking behind it.. incentivize local kids to go to local colleges. I agree that it's not the best way to go about it but I'll take it as a start. All this NIL is in it's infancy and I can only hope it becomes a good way to get some of the profits into the hands of the workers. So for now I'm gonna applaud every hole in the dam even if it's only a pin hole. Hopefully enough pin holes and the dam breaks and the profits spread to a form of proper equilibrium.
I don't mind kids getting paid at all, I just hope that they don't do self destructive s h i t like Tony Mitchell with their NIL money:

How long until NIL expands and high schools have collectives (ones actually operating in daylight) and there are legitimate legal challenges to eligibility rules in each state?
Tennis players and golf players that are as young as 13-14 have been getting paid for decades and nobody is robbing and killing themView attachment 238314
Totally false.

I was a high level junior golfer. Competed against webb simpson. We were not allowed to take a single dollar. I personally know many golfers who lost their amateur status for receiving money and clubs. A famous golf youtuber lost his college scholarship over making money in high-school.

Cant speak to tennis.
Adults get robbed & killed everyday, should we not allow them to have money either?

What kinda logic is that?

Simple imagine Jeff Thomas is a senior or junior in high school today in east St. Louis, IL. How do you think this story turns out with him getting an NIL Deal of let's say $125K /yr while in high school. He commits to Missouri, moves across the river to MO, but then what. The one loop hole in the law is reported is the requirement to only have signed a Financial Aid agreement, that is very different than an NIL which in this case doesn't bind a player to said school. So if the player is smart enough they can cash in and then jump to another school on late NSD in February.

Go Canes
Simple imagine Jeff Thomas is a senior or junior in high school today in east St. Louis, IL. How do you think this story turns out with him getting an NIL Deal of let's say $125K /yr while in high school. He commits to Missouri, moves across the river to MO, but then what. The one loop hole in the law is reported is the requirement to only have signed a Financial Aid agreement, that is very different than an NIL which in this case doesn't bind a player to said school. So if the player is smart enough they can cash in and then jump to another school on late NSD in February.

Go Canes

Fair questions.
Simple imagine Jeff Thomas is a senior or junior in high school today in east St. Louis, IL. How do you think this story turns out with him getting an NIL Deal of let's say $125K /yr while in high school. He commits to Missouri, moves across the river to MO, but then what. The one loop hole in the law is reported is the requirement to only have signed a Financial Aid agreement, that is very different than an NIL which in this case doesn't bind a player to said school. So if the player is smart enough they can cash in and then jump to another school on late NSD in February.

Go Canes
The story turns out exactly how it did for Luther Burden & how it will turn out for Ryan Wingo.

This idea that because a kid lives in a bad neighborhood & gets a NIL deal that he suddenly gonna get robbed & killed is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really stupid, alarmist, out of touch & completely unfounded, simply based on nothing more than logical fallacies placed around people’s beliefs about the hood.

The number of High Schoolers who have been robbed for the NIL money by their nefarious criminal counterparts who lurk in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to take from them is exactly 0.

Every scenario yall keep coming up with is 1,000,000% HYPOTHETICAL because there isn’t a single real life example to draw from, that means you guys are creating a reality that hasn’t happened yet, except for in your own mind.

Bernie Madoff stole BILLIONS from grown up adults, so lets make it so that grown up adults can never invest again because that happened once before, right guysm?