Be Patient Look how long it took these guys.

It would take a tremendous effort of garbage coaching and significant injuries to ***** this one up.
Counting on both. Coaching has been demonstrated.

OC and DC are fine-ish, but Mario gonna Mario.

Injuries - they happen ....EVERY YEAR; OFTEN to our most crucial players.

There IS reason to be hopeful; Pieces are in place, Imma just keep it tempered.

I don't wanna be a mope @DTP, I just am.

Remembering 4-0 last year even....we looked pretty good to that point...Then injuries... to key players... and teams that were surprisingly well coached whereas, we were headscratching ours after GT and the injuries were creeping....

Don't get me wrong, I bothered to look up and find that the blowouts were gone - combined 30ish pts for all losses, minus the bowl. That's passing part of the eyeball test.

Backup QBs better be ready, backup RB(s) better be ready, backfield better not suck, OL hopefully looks 80% as good as last year, but we don't know yet, we're just jerking them off as if it's done... I dunno man, the offseason can suck it. We've had another epic one, but I get geeked every year, then....

Remember D-Money's hype video in 22? I sure do. Pieces were in place to be a lot better than we were, despite Manny's leftovers, right?
None of that matters if it doesn’t translate to actual wins. What good is signing top clases if you don’t win? Who gives a **** about recruiting rankings if it doesn’t lead to titles. Why should any coach who has a talent advantage over every team he plays not be held to higher standards? STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR BAD COACHING.
I appreciate you trying to have a reasonable discussion, whereas some of the other guys go straight to the ad hominem attacks. At least one adult in the room.

First, when did I ever say we shouldn't expect to win 10 games? I expect to win 9 or 10, just like Vegas expects. When did I say the coach needs more time? I don't think he needs more time to win 9 or 10 games. I said not winning the ACCCG and not going to the playoffs is excusable. All 9-win teams and 2 10-win P5 teams from last season would not have made the playoffs. So I am being consistent with my logic.

Second, I feel you guys are just fed up with Mario, and unwilling to give him any breaks at all. Emotion is clouding your judgment. If Mario hadn't built up such a great, it is clear you would have thought it inexcusable we are headed into season 3 with him at barely .500. I would have agreed with you under these circumstances.

But Mario DID build up a quality great roster. And to me, BECAUSE he built up such a great roster, with more on the way in 2025, it makes no sense to say it is inexcusable for him if he doesn't win the ACCCG and make the playoffs. It is inevitable he will do both based on the talent he is accumulating.

You can point to Jimbo all you want, he's an outlier who thought of himself as an offensive genius and interfered with the OC play calling. He also didn't build nearly the level of cultural discipline that Miami has under Mario. Nor did he sustain talent acquisition and do it across positions at depth. Mario is doing this, IMO.

So for me, talent is king, and one or two historic outliers are irrelevant. Mario's roster talent will result in championships. We just need a little patience.
Emotion definitely isn't clouding my judgment because my judgment is very simple. Win games & stop trying to make excuses for not winning.

I never said he had to win the ACC & make the playoffs this year, however, the idea that he shouldn't be expected to at least make it to the ACCCG with this roster is simply nonsensical if you're saying we have the best roster on paper than any team we play on our schedule.

As far as giving Mario breaks, he's a big boy, he gets a really nice salary & his job as the HC is to win games. So if not making excuses for him not executing at what he gets paid to do is not giving him any breaks, then I guess so.

You're argument is that because he's acquiring talent that eventually its going to translate into success.

My argument is that, if that doesn't happen this year then its not going to happen any time soon, because the likelihood of finding a QB of this caliber is rare & if he can't succeed while having as good a QB as he has now, when the next great QB becomes available it'll be a much harder sell to convince that one to come here if this situation with Ward doesn't work.

We have a really good roster as it stands, with the exception of 2 positions groups, but even so still, we have more than enough talent to win 10+ this season. That’s just all there is to it.

So instead of reaching for excuses to safeguard the HC from criticism, all he has to do is his job & win, and he won't be criticized. It's that simple.

Having to wait until 2026, 2027, 2028 etc until we can expect a winning season is nothing short of complete & total Horsesh*t. He has everything he needs to win right now, this season.

There are no excuses. You can still try to make them if things go wrong, but they will be completely null & void.

Just get it done. Thats it.
Mario helps Dan pull together program support for a Top 10 NIL program
Mario signs 2 Top 10 classes in a row
Mario replaces pretty much every coach any fan had a beef with (except Salave'a who is our Islander pipeline)
Mario brings in the top QB and RB from the portal, and fills holes at WR, OL, DB, LB and DL

Miami now has a stronger team on paper than any opponent it plays, thanks to Mario...

... FiRe tHE GUy iF wE dON't WiN thE Acc AnD mAKe ThE pLAyOff
CIS keeps regurgitating what Mario left Dan, you have to ask yourself and just be honest that if Mario was still in Oregon would the ducks be a playoff contender last year?
I appreciate you trying to have a reasonable discussion, whereas some of the other guys go straight to the ad hominem attacks. At least one adult in the room.
Dude I just looked at this. No one attacked you. The word oxymoron simply refers to the contradiction pointed out by the other poster, in his opinion, regarding your stating we have the best roster on our schedule and not producing accordingly.
Mario helps Dan pull together program support for a Top 10 NIL program
Mario signs 2 Top 10 classes in a row
Mario replaces pretty much every coach any fan had a beef with (except Salave'a who is our Islander pipeline)
Mario brings in the top QB and RB from the portal, and fills holes at WR, OL, DB, LB and DL

Miami now has a stronger team on paper than any opponent it plays, thanks to Mario...

... FiRe tHE GUy iF wE dON't WiN thE Acc AnD mAKe ThE pLAyOffS!
I bet you saved every participation trophy.
Thank you, I’d so rather be Don Quixote than you mopes. I can’t wait until Mario wins games and you guys flip the script to even Neanderthal Mario can win with this talent. Mario is going to stink to you, no matter what he does until he wins multiple nattys and even then you’ll post thank god he learned from his mistakes.
At the end of the day no one can predict the future, but we should all want Mario to win if we are actual fans.

The hopefuls just have a longer timeline than the doubters. Fun fact is, he’s gonna be here whether we like it or not. Miami doesn’t shell out hefty buyouts like LSU or USC.
Thank you, I’d so rather be Don Quixote than you mopes. I can’t wait until Mario wins games and you guys flip the script to even Neanderthal Mario can win with this talent. Mario is going to stink to you, no matter what he does until he wins multiple nattys and even then you’ll post thank god he learned from his mistakes.
If Mario wins next year and after I’m going to be happier than a pig in **** because I love this program. The issues are hard to ignore as a Miami fan, not just the long term trend but the short term as well under Mario.

2022 was an abortion worse than any of us could have imagined. While it was that bad, a quick recovery in 2023 would have erased that but we face planted yet again. When you consider that and the last twenty years, if you aren’t a mope, you’re just a stooge.
CIS keeps regurgitating what Mario left Dan, you have to ask yourself and just be honest that if Mario was still in Oregon would the ducks be a playoff contender last year?

The funniest part of this argument is Lanning literally cleaned house w/ the vast majority of those players that were left after they were re-evaluated.
I get what you're trying to say, Dwin. NIL accelerated our schedule. So many things on paper are lining up for Mario:

1. QB- easily the most important thing the team has.
2. Returning coordinators- particularly important since Mario doesn't have a specialty on either side of the ball.
3. Schedule.
4. OL strength.
5. DL improvevement.
6. Everything else is in place. Our biggest question mark is our secondary, particularly when we are in nickel, which in cfb has to equal 65% of the time.

If Mario struggles this season, then the University needs to treat him and the program like any other business, Evaluate the issues, cut their losses, and move on. Personally, I think we'll hit at least 10 wins. Big, big, year.
I'm with you on all this.