Virginia schools can pay NIL

He did say WWE, so tbh, if IDK if I’d put Flair there. Most of Flair’s greatness happened BEFORE he got to WWF/WWE.
Agreed. Prime Flair was WCW/NWA. By the time he hit WWF, he wasn’t the same. Still good but not “Nature Boy” great.
The most terrifying version…

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More terrifying than Sommelier Taker?

Idk if I'd put Austin as a Mt. Rushmore, his run while incredibly impactful, was very short-lived. But, its all based on opinion so I respect it if people see him as a Mt. Rushmore top 4.

My 4, would probably be Hogan, Flair, The Rock & Taker.
I respect everyone’s opinion on this matter

Except people that don’t include Ric Flair
And no Shawn Michaels? GTFOH.
You’re right, forgot about HBK. It’s kind of a tossup though in term of Shawn’s headlining years (1996-1998) versus Andre being a special attraction for WWE for well over a decade, Roman’s eight year run as a headliner, and The Rock in impact. Shawn had the longest career of the four.

1997 Shawn Michaels was one of my favorite all time heels.
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He is. If you had to do a WWE Mt Rushmore it would be:

Hulk Hogan
Steve Austin

and either The Rock, Roman Reigns, or Andre the Giant
I have a somewhat controversial take about Andre the Giant

I think it could be argued that he had the biggest singular impact on the sport, albeit not for a long time

Not in a wrestling way, but in a side show circus kinda way. People tuned in because they wanted to see this freak of nature human being and then they ended up sticking around because of the entertainment of the rest of the guys back then

But he brought in people to watch that never would have watched wrestling and the sport blew up around that time
Da Fuq??? I don’t get it. I never have understood the appeal. Once I found out it was fake at like 7 years old, I lost all interest. I would troll my brother and dad about it.

To this day, I still troll people about rasslin. Every couple years I’ll buy tickets to a WWE Event in my area. I go all out to root and cheer for the heels loudly. Man, do people get so mad at me in the stands. Simple people. They get so mad and I just keep pouring on the love for the bad guys. The fans will look at me with pure vitriol in the eyes. It’s amazing. I think it’s about time to get tickets again.