Link City - 2001 Canes D, Recruiting, Rosenhaus, & more...

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Dan E. Dangerously

This's my note
Nov 3, 2011

-We get started talking about better days, the 2001 team. Steve PeLOLquin of ESPN Radio 1420 in Louisiana, who no doubt is in full hype mode of the MNC rematch/grudge**** with 'Bama, posed the same tired question Cane fans should be used to by now: This time it's which is the best defense of the BCS era.

Everyone has at least read, if not partaken, in a flame war with someone in the attempt to defend the '01 team's honor so this is kind of a tired subject. I just think it's pretty cool we're still having conversations like this 10 years later with that team. On a personal note, I turned thirty last week and was more upset about realizing it's been a decade since our last MNC than where my twenties went.

-Despite being the crusted stump of a baby's umbilical cord, Drew Rosenhaus is the best player agent in the NFL. has a write-up about the 5 underclassmen and 2 graduates he just signed to deals.

-The Sun-Sentinel reminds us that we got a pretty good recruiting class so far, even if we don't have enough quality CB's or DT's coming in.

-TheBIGLead wrote a story about the fact that Joe Robbie/ProPlayer Park/Pro Player Stadium/Dolphins Stadium/Dolphin Stadium/Landshark Stadium/Sunlife Stadium will be getting another name change in 2014.

-Matt Patchan is still a joke and will probably suffer a severe injury getting out of bed tomorrow.

-When your favorite team finishes .500, declines a bowl game, and faces an uncertain future with respect to an NCAA investigation, good news is hard to come by. UM recently wrapped up a lackluster year (make that decade), so it's hard to keep the faith sometimes. We love the Canes, but they don't always love us back. It's in those times that I'm thankful canefreak2001's dad forgot to pull out in time, allowing us to see his masterful interwebz skill. [video=youtube;JE29RO4olh0][/video]

Gif of the Day:

Matt Patchan is still a joke and will probably suffer a severe injury getting out of bed tomorrow.

way to find a spot for that. good stuff.
I'm sorry, I know Drew is a Cane and all, but he is nowhere close to being the top agent in Football. Yes, he is the one who covets the limelight and gives himself the most press, but he isn't even close to being the top player agent. I would say that he's not in the top five.
That gif pretty much sums ups this decade. Fat,out of shape,ugly,lack of execution, hard to watch, rough landing and outright offensive to the eyes.
I love the "Friday Night Lights" feel of that video. Even when down, it's highlight reels like that, that remind me why I will always love the U.
In the Sun Sentinel link there is an interview with Jelani Hamilton. Wow, kid looks sloppy with man *****
Awesome video, wasn't the best year but we got the chance to see some special players do their thing. Street, LM, DP, Chik really made an otherwise abysmal year into something a bit more interesting. Sorry to see the underclassmen leave early, but I think we're on the right path.