Official Fall PractiSe - Wednesday August 31 Media

Agreed. That was painful to watch. These "reporters" are supposed to be professional but that was an abomination. How hard could it have been to have looked up that information going into the presser? What a buffoon. Then forget the fact that he tripped all over himself. The question itself was idiotic and a total waste of an opportunity for Hyde to have asked a question that could have given fans the answer to something interesting and relevant or provide a deeper level of insight regarding a tangible issue with the team/program but No........ Hyde decided to go with the whole "Hey Mario this is your first game as the head coach of your alma mater, your dream job. Tell us all about your feelings on that. Hyde should have known that a man like Mario Cristobal was not going to use that particular platform to indulge his emotions 3 days before the season opener. C'mon Man!!!!!!!!! What the **** was he thinking????
Didn’t think it could get any worse than SMD but Hyde proved me wrong. That was as cringeworthy as it gets. Even Mario seemed to think WTF is this.
Every single interview Susan has to ask the interviewee how he thinks someone else feels. That is so stupid.
I can understand asking how someone else is playing, but to ask Kam how Mario will feel for the 1st game is borderline retarded. How in the world is a true sophomore Safety supposed to know how his head coach feels? Has it been established that after practices Mario lays down on a couch and pours out his feelings to Kam Kinchens?
She never asks about anything strategic or even football related. It’s almost like her schtick Is to ask the “off beat” question when the reality is she asks questions no one cares about; not other journalists, her colleagues or the listening audience.
Every single interview Susan has to ask the interviewee how he thinks someone else feels. That is so stupid.
I can understand asking how someone else is playing, but to ask Kam how Mario will feel for the 1st game is borderline retarded. How in the world is a true sophomore Safety supposed to know how his head coach feels? Has it been established that after practices Mario lays down on a couch and pours out his feelings to Kam Kinchens?
She never asks about anything strategic or even football related. It’s almost like her schtick Is to ask the “off beat” question when the reality is she asks questions no one cares about; not other journalists, her colleagues or the listening audience.
I’m waiting for her to ask someone how they think the opposing teams kicker is going to feel come game time.
Hyde was trying to get Mario to write his article for him:

Your feeling after your last loss as a Cane?

Your feeling after the last game you coached here?

Your feeling the first time you’ll be running out on the field as HC?

He wanted Mario to reminisce for 20 minutes, describing every detail so this could happen:

Hyde: “Computer, Transcribe Mario Cristobal.”

whir… beep… bloop… ding!

Hyde: “Computer, format and email transcription to boss lady. Sign it, The Fastest Fingers in South Florida. Xoxo. Dave. Hyde.”

Computer: Processing. Email ready. Sending.

Hyde: “Ahhh, now daddy’s ready for a long weekend with his White Claws.“