Official Fall PractiSe Tuesday, August 30

Some familiar names on the Bethune roster

Akeem Hayes
Rosendo Louis
Ge'mon Eaford
Jerrold Pough

Holy crap. I really wanted us to land Louis coming out of HS. IIRC he played right away for USCe. What happened? … Nm just googled it. Looks like the injury bug sidelined him.
Been seeing good stuff said about multiple corners all camp, i usually dont take stuff said to the media too serious but i hope this means if a guy is getting cooked too much we can put somebody else in unlike other years

Excuse Me What GIF
I an instituting that in my house- no video games day before or of a game. Need to focus
Honestly needs to be adopted across the entire fan base. Not sure how people expect us to get back to the top when we as fans aren’t putting in that same level of work.

I’m going celibate until #6. Gotta stay focused.