MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Not going to lie, this ****es me off if true, even if at the end of the day it doesn't matter- but being fair who knows that it isn't signaling something.

Why wouldn't they approve? The sooner this gets over the better.

That said, "At least" seems pretty clickbaitish. And does SMU even have the ability to vote?

Two things.

First, old news (above tweet) but still relevant news.

Second, we’re not staying static here. We have and currently are exploring our exit-options. Also, being in favor of holding a meeting (which needed to be held) is different from supporting an amended suit. Seems pretty clear to me that we supported holding a meeting about the suit in January, not that we would approve the amended suit or anything like that. Hence the below screenshot of the article, with the preceding paragraph that isn’t shown in the original tweet from Tampa Bay Times.

Why wouldn't they approve? The sooner this gets over the better.

That said, "At least" seems pretty clickbaitish. And does SMU even have the ability to vote?

If you read the article it says 6 schools (not Miami) approved of the ACCs decision to file a proactive suit. It then implies 5 schools (including Miami) agreed to a meeting to discuss it in January. I wouldn't say that means anything. Unless MIami is also going to sue, agreeing to a meeting to discuss with other schools, while not being named a school that approved, is not a big deal.

I think what's obvious is Miami doesn't want to waste time or money involved in legal action, whether they have a landing spot or not. If FSU is successful the league dissolves.

Two things.

First, old news (above tweet) but still relevant news.

Second, we’re not staying static here. We have and currently are exploring our exit-options. Also, being in favor of holding a meeting (which needed to be held) is different from supporting an amended suit. Seems pretty clear to me that we supported holding a meeting about the suit in January, not that we would approve the amended suit or anything like that. Hence the below screenshot of the article, with the preceding paragraph that isn’t shown in the original tweet from Tampa Bay Times.

View attachment 284855

Ok, this makes sense.Thank you.
We really are B-12 bound , better start getting hyped for those USF games 🤮🤮🤮
doubt that tbh - could equally mean voted in favor of having a meeting to hear what they should have been told prior to initial filing, not necessarily voting to sue FSU. a second reading could be voting in favor of the amendment for other reasons related to bylaws
doubt that tbh - could equally mean voted in favor of having a meeting to hear what they should have been told prior to initial filing, not necessarily voting to sue FSU. a second reading could be voting in favor of the amendment for other reasons related to bylaws

Very different info in the article compared to the tweet. Seems we approved holding a meeting on the subject, not anything else.