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  1. clg003

    Spring PractiSe #3: Friday March 8

    Do you know how these guys are doing in the weight program? in the nutrition program? in class in the film room? nah you know you don’t… also there are hundreds of stories about guys taking spots in the mythical spring depth chart because of exactly those things and nothing else. It’s done for a...
  2. clg003

    Spring PractiSe #3: Friday March 8

    Yeah everything we have heard is he is working his *** off… if a dude needs to be motivated to get out there and outwork someone then they need someone out there in front of them every day. I don’t care if it’s on the field in the weight room or in the class or what. If those dudes were killing...
  3. clg003

    Spring PractiSe #3: Friday March 8

    Dude cry me a river. If I’m a head coach and my nephew plays d1 at a position I consider my specialty and he is willing to come work his *** off and sit the bench, he is on my team: if you can’t understand that your miserable human being searching hard for stuff to cry about.
  4. clg003

    Spring PractiSe #3: Friday March 8

    Crying about Lou Cristobal means your life sucks...