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  1. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

  2. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    Was just about to come back and say the same thing.
  3. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    No way it can be today right? I think it was Donno who said he heard it was May 20th.
  4. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    We are lower tier. I am not sure what it is. We have 7 season tickets. We will be able to get a lot but trying to get them together but it is fine either way just want to be there when we beat that ***.
  5. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    Wonder what the limit will be for amount of away tickets you can purchase. We got a big group trying to get to that Florida game.
  6. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    I NEED to know when I can get my tickets for this game. My entire life is revolved around this right now. F*ck the gator
  7. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    I am gonna buy them no questions asked.
  8. Morey161

    MEGA Miami Away game ticket information

    I am very curious what ours will be and how many we can get. For the away games we go to they normally only let us get 4 tickets even though we have 7 season tickets.