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  1. DTP

    Caneville Clowns

    There are certain quarterbacks who can perform when given high caliber teammates. There are certain quarterbacks who can carry teams. I don’t like punishing guys who lucked into talented rosters but there are a ton of championship winning quarterbacks who would have sucked if not surrounded...
  2. DTP

    Caneville Clowns

    Nah man, Jake Garcia tha god.
  3. DTP

    Caneville Clowns

    Absolutely. I wouldn’t completely write off a second year player. It’s just that his shortcomings are physical. He’s a below average athlete with a below average arm. All the coaching and experience in the world won’t really improve that. Now, there are guys with similar skills that have turned...
  4. DTP

    Caneville Clowns

    It’s the people that conflate wins with quarterback play. “Emory beat Clemson, bro”. No, Miami beat Clemson despite a below average quarterback performance. He’s high floor/low ceiling guy. The kind of guy you like as a backup. He can come in, run the offense and not lose the game for you. He...
  5. DTP

    Caneville Clowns

    Lol “two months ago Jacurri Brown was the starting quarterback”. I mean, yeah. He was the only healthy scholarship quarterback on the roster. At this point, it’s probably just in his best interest to transfer. As far as him being treated unfairly, that’s laughable because he could have been gone...