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  1. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    It would've boosted D$ pockets anyways, who needs that. 😅
  2. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    And you will be there for the live filming festivities, correct? Say its for "NIL" purposes.
  3. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    No sir, we need a thread here on CIS.
  4. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    I don't like you, but i agree.
  5. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    44? Hmm, next Dan Morgan? 👀💀