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  1. Hoyacane1620

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    A note from Gaby: Emory Williams and Judd Anderson are throwing after practice with Ray Ray Joseph
  2. Hoyacane1620

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    247 said he threw the ball very well. Injury was to his left arm. He has some type of gauze on his left arm from elbow to shoulder. They said he did not appear to be bothered by it but don't know if he has any restrictions for spring
  3. Hoyacane1620

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    Sounds like Mario will be speaking after practice today.
  4. Hoyacane1620

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    Robby Washington showing some juice out of the slot. Beats Savion Riley