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  1. Cookie917

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    I dont want to read too much into it off the first spring practice but it could very well be like a Flagg situation when all our DE's got hurt at the end of the year. When Guidry was running that bear front Flagg was essentially a standup DE getting after the QB. Bryant is prob a tad taller and...
  2. Cookie917

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    lol @Confidence1000 GET IN HERE NOW
  3. Cookie917

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    I also think a lot of the clowning is based on recruiting as oppose to practice/game recaps. I am sure the reporters at ITU are required to "push" out new recruiting material to feed the subscribers but I do empathize with them because if you just do not have an update then they are forced...
  4. Cookie917

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    Herald in rare form early in the spring: Emory Williams was at practice after fracturing his left (non-throwing) shoulder in the FSU game in November. He threw passes with his right arm, and his left arm was wrapped in what appeared to be white gauze from his elbow to his shoulder. Good to...