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  1. AlexCane

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    Where are you getting that he was moved to end? I thought the initial report was that he was simply taking a couple reps there? And GR is nothing like Bryant. Not sure what one has to do with the other. Bryant doesn't have a DE frame. He looks LB all the way.
  2. AlexCane

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    All good. I've been cracking up. Next time you hear me post about seeing a player in the "gym" it'll be code for sauna haha.
  3. AlexCane

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    LMAO. You guys got me cracking up with some of the comments in response to my earlier post. I lift at UM and use the sauna regularly. I've bumped into several players in there.
  4. AlexCane

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    No. And I don't try to be some poster-know-it-all. But the kid is I'd guess in the range of 215-225 and as mentioned by @Cookie917, having a guy like that at end is contrary to what we know of Cristobal.
  5. AlexCane

    Spring PractiSe 1!!! Monday March 4

    Bryant is not a DE. I was in the sauna with him sometime last year. Nice kid, BTW. I found him on the leaner side, even for LB. (Granted, he was a true frosh.) Anyways, him at DE must be some special pass-rush package because IMO he's not built for that spot.