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  1. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    It may have been a correct call but it’s the type of play that happens all the time and goes overlooked unless it’s egregious, which it wasn’t. Like palming the ball. Also, I didn’t know that specifically was reviewable but I didn’t think they called live did they?
  2. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Esp when he’s one of the guys supposed to catch and shoot the 3 on the perimeter off the tip out
  3. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    NIT “first four out”
  4. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Also, I guess Vegas knew something Miami covered the +3.5 line
  5. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen that called in many years of basketball. Of course ACC refs find a way
  6. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Violation? You’ve got to be kidding me
  7. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Ughh could have gotten a quick 2 and foul. Pretty much anything would have been better than a heave from that distance
  8. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    However this ends, I give the guys a lot of credit for coming back down by double digits with a few minutes to go. I thought they were going to pack it in
  9. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    For everything that’s happened, it’s amazing that the game is still not completely out of reach at this point
  10. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Somehow back in the game. And a Bens TO..
  11. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Now this is the team I’m used to watching all season
  12. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    I wonder why Djobet hasn’t made an appearance with all the other bench guys coming in. He had good energy a few games ago
  13. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    He’ll probably talk to McCormick and figure out a way to come back for a 13th year or whatever it will be
  14. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Omier cannot sit for any reason. Team is completely different
  15. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Omier out with foul trouble and Bacot goes to work. Classic
  16. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Bens makes a nice drive to the hoop and then fouls a 3 point shooter on the next possession. Just so frustrating
  17. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Danger zone here. Refs inserting themselves, shots not falling. Can’t let it slip away with the lead building
  18. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    So weak
  19. C

    Saturday 2/10 4PM ESPN - NC(-4.5) @ MIA

    Omg he’s still shooting