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  1. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    So why is he considering FSU since we out performed them in every offensive category this year with all of TVD's blunders?
  2. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Wait so JJ isn't coming to UM because we waited to long to offer? Please just stop. Do you realize how dumb that sounds. He's not going to college with bailey. I mean OSU and FSU didn't even offer Bailey right?
  3. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Yeah Tweets are no longer opening on here for me. I have to click them to go to X so it opens the tweet. 🤷‍♂️
  4. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Man if that's not a list of mopes I don't know what is. :LOL:
  5. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Dude are you drunk. Notice the one thing missing in your response is TD!!! Both Chaney (29 yards) and Fletcher (50 yards) have both ripped off long runs but neither have long TD runs.
  6. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Pay attention to what I was responding to and maybe you won't put your foot in your mouth. I was responding to a poster saying Chaney can break a long TD run. Never did I say Fletcher couldn't break a long run.
  7. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Who ever said anything about Fletcher walking?
  8. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Neither can Fletcher or Citizen 🤷‍♂️
  9. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Parrish, Allen yes. Chaney will be competing with MF for the starting spot next year so he isn't going anywhere.
  10. canecrazy23

    2024 Flip Watch Thread: Mario "We Have a Lot of Guys We're Fixin' to Flip"

    Cribby are you saying he would rather live in a sht hole town than one of the most beautiful cities in the world? I'm probably reading that wrong though.