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  1. LuCane

    Official Fall Camp PractiSe #7: Wednesday August 9

    Ha. I know what you mean, but I don't think I'd label it as astonishing. The incredible difference we're likely to see is almost regression to the mean. What was astonishing is that anyone thought last year's approach would work well with what we had. That genuinely astonished me for months.
  2. LuCane

    Official Fall Camp PractiSe #7: Wednesday August 9

    I'd only add you don't need to wait for game week to figure out what they're thinking. Around the time of the first scrimmage, they'll have a decent idea of what they're looking for, though I don't think we'll hear anything about it.
  3. LuCane

    Official Fall Camp PractiSe #7: Wednesday August 9

    Kelly/Harvey/Wayne/Moss Deen/Moten/Horton/Campbell Taylor/JHH/Lichtenstein/Gore Mesidor/Bain/Chantz/Acheampong To me, a lot depends on someone like Moten stepping firmly into the 2nd team DT role. More numbers are nice, but hopefully we get multiple leaps from multiple spots.
  4. LuCane

    Official Fall Camp PractiSe #7: Wednesday August 9

    Don Chaney running 4th, huh.