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  1. Atom Atlas

    Official Spring PractiSe #6 (including Scrimmage #1): Saturday 3-25-2023

    Right, if... We're not at if we're at he's healthy so let's run with it...or I should say let him run with it... Lol
  2. Atom Atlas

    Official Spring PractiSe #6 (including Scrimmage #1): Saturday 3-25-2023

    Point is though he is healthy so just push forward until things change....
  3. Atom Atlas

    Official Spring PractiSe #6 (including Scrimmage #1): Saturday 3-25-2023

    Honestly Dude you could explain things in it's most simple form possible and people will still go scorched earth with it.... TY for filling us in though... it is appreciated...
  4. Atom Atlas

    Official Spring PractiSe #6 (including Scrimmage #1): Saturday 3-25-2023

    That statement goes for about 93.8 % of all posters here myself included.... LOL!!!!