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  1. Ispyin


    Go with god meme stock boys
  2. Ispyin


    Pretty easy- he’s not going to have cash for you. Company under investigation, blah blah I know we have a collective
  3. Ispyin


    Far and away, the most frustrating thing about this wonderful, ****-ridden, heavenly, dystopian community we have here is the inability for people to hold concurrent thoughts. one can: - agree Ruiz did a lot to help last year and be thankful - think he talked too much publicly like the elon...
  4. Ispyin


    Yes I’m aware.
  5. Ispyin


    I know that. But that’s not who needs to know when 10 recruiters are in the next kids ear. We already know some buy the lies, that is not news me telling you that.
  6. Ispyin


    ***** the Miami Herald, but the guy is actually under investigation, and they THEN gave a Miami Herald bull**** narrative around that actual fact
  7. Ispyin


    I don’t really give a **** how he spends his money. But let’s not act like it will be negatively recruited, not that it wasn’t being negatively recruited before when he was talking so much. The new narrative will be that Miami NIL program fell apart Even if that’s not the case, and it just...
  8. Ispyin

