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  1. Brooklyndee


    Same reason these hoe *** dudes care about anything being negatively stated about us. They take joy in being able to say I told you so. Because everyone has a positive opinion about them etc. Only difference is no one gives two ***** about when **** hits the fans for them.
  2. Brooklyndee


    **** that clown
  3. Brooklyndee


    He's not even TOWARDS the top of the group. That's what's comical.
  4. Brooklyndee


  5. Brooklyndee


    You did hear the part he and I both stated about Ruiz takes all the attention by design right? So to keep hammering away that point doesn't really help our cause much. When what's being stated, is spoke about on a public platform that more and more people have been coming on to simply take our...
  6. Brooklyndee


    To ease your concerns would literally be explaining to God knows who that in some instances what you see is not always what you get. We like the idea that people believe our program is dependent on Ruiz. Not everyone wants the same attention. It's naive to think the expanse we've made & the...
  7. Brooklyndee


    Our fans seem to enjoy dwelling on nothing but negatives and then tying those negatives to the program