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  1. Rellyrell

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Again, historically, by yr 2 any coach worth a **** takes his team to another level w/ the same players. 1. The cancers r supposed to have removed from the team & replaced with better talent. 2. We’re allegedly bringing back a veteran QB who has 1st round talent 3. The OL should be leaps &...
  2. Rellyrell

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    I’m right there with u. I support Mario, and I’m willing to give a mulligan for yr 1, however, it’s shown throughout CFB history, that if u’re a top coach, yr 2 should see significant improvement. 8 wins is way too low; it needs to be 9+ wins at minimal.
  3. Rellyrell

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    U know what’s interesting about those who say half full or half empty? Both r right & wrong at the same time; the only answer that is right, is the tangible aspect of that view…that water is in the glass. I don’t care if some thinks it’s half full & others thinks it’s half empty. The only thing...
  4. Rellyrell

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Did we just come off a 5-7 yr & got a new staff at the 11th hr or nah?