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  1. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Starting as early and undeveloped as he was...not his fault...Manuela's 100%. I believe it waa a big blow to him mentally being as bad as he was for as long as he was. Even today and 100% healthy he doesn't make 2-deep on legitimate top 10 OL unit.
  2. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    I think that hurt Nelson's development...
  3. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    I'm kinda digging Mahatma channeling his inner Kartikeya here. ***** the civil, you bringing da pain. Mess with Ghandi and he'll cut you like a *****.
  4. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    It's always best you have an Advanced Medical Directive in-place.
  5. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Brother....Ive been calling him Big Manny since MTSU bukkaked our Canes... He has to prove and earn his worth to restore Super Mario Crisyobigballs
  6. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Question: 2022 Miami OL < 2023 Miami OL Is my equation correct?
  7. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Big Manny knows the pressure isn't on until Y4. Our Canes could **** the bed this next season...we'll be ****ed...he'll be back to work...
  8. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Can't wait to see CiS meltdown when Dawson rolls out a condensed fyzical set.
  9. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Mahatma about to start going colonial on porster ***.
  10. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    Only for the sick, lame, and lazy.
  11. Empirical Cane

    Official Spring PractiSe #4: Tuesday, March 21

    I don't think we have enough hot takes and conspiracy theories yet for Miami's Spring Break schedule and football. We can do better than this CIS. What will other boards think of us? I suggest you all re-dedicate yourselves PRONTO.