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  1. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    I've been rooting for the Lions the last year and they my 1B team to the Raider now. Definitely don't want Richardson lol And I really like how the Lions have built their team. They NEED Jalen Carter (IF he checks out off field). And then a CB...
  2. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    You’re an absolute idiot if you don’t think Richardson best matches up with Cam/Lamar as far as athleticism is concerned lol
  3. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Actually for guys as athletic as Richardson you generally don’t need more to be decently successful - as long as you are in a scheme that plays to your strengths. That’s why I’ve been saying a team like the Falcons would legit be a good match for Richardson. Now would I think Panthers or...
  4. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    If Bryce Young were 6’4” he’d be a better prospect than Lawrence or Burrow were. Does him being short make it so you wouldn’t draft him? Imo no. I’d be more than happy playing with him on his rookie deal, and think he is easily worth that pick. He is the least likely QB to bust in this draft.
  5. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    that is only true if the Panthers draft hkm, and even then it doesn’t need to be a 10+ year decision. You’re telling me if Panthers drafted Young, quickly turned around the franchise and got to and potentially win a SB then within 10team later Young gets hurt and they cut him, that it’ll be a...
  6. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Is an ACL injury something that impacts short people more? Let’s not act like that is indicative of Small QBs getting hurt more often lol. …and the point I was making is Young can absolutely be trusted to start 5+ years. Yeah I didn’t include some short guys, but all those guys weren’t even...
  7. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    No it isn't, everytime people freak out about small Qbs they end up relatively fine. Bryce Young - 5'10", 29.3 BMI. Kyler Murray - 5'10", 29.7 BMI. - Played 4 years. Russell Wilson - 5'11" 28.4 BMI. - Has played 11 yrs. Drew Brees - 6'1", 28.1 BMI. - Played 20 years. Mike Vick - 6'1", 27.7...
  8. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Because drafting a QB doesn't need to be a 10+ year decision. Even if we say Young won't hold up due to his size, lets be realistic - he'll probably be fine for at least 5-8 years before anything really starts failing. And 5 years is what you really should be drafting based on - the length of...
  9. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Thats just the new normal dawg. $30M is a team friendly deal now. Thats basically the 12% number that most people reference when talking about SB Qb Pay and how having a QB at or below that %, statistically allows your team to build around the QB really well. Though that is signficantly...
  10. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    If Strouds tape for his career was more like his game against Georgia he would be the unquestioned #1 pick. But as it stands he only showed that ability in 1 game in his career. Granted it was in the biggest moment of his career as well... But based on everything I think Young is the best QB in...
  11. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    ... is there any chance Richardson is there at 6? After the Panthers trade I'd say it's not looking likely. Jets look like they're getting Rodgers. Panthers, Texans, and Colts are definitely drafting QB. That leaves Raiders, Falcons, Titans, and Buccs as teams that all need a Qb, with basically...
  12. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Haven't seen that reported
  13. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    If Carter fell past the Lions that would be dumb imo. At the end of the day the current legal situation with Carter is 2 misdemeanors - Speeding and Reckless Driving. And otherwise he has a clean record.
  14. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Was Poles responsible for trading a 2nd rounder for Chase Claypool? Cause that was beyond dumb and reason enough to not trust him. I like this trade for the Bears though. I do wonder if they could have gotten more had they held out a little longer though. Getting DJ Moore is really what makes...
  15. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    That would basically be the same as paying him ~2 yr $40M/yr deal btw.
  16. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    You a Lions fan? Lions need Jalen Carter far more than Will Anderson imo. I think ideally they get Carter, then one of Witherspoon, Gonzalez, or Porter fall to 18. If that happens and the Rams trade ended up being Stafford for Goff, Jameson Williams, and Jalen Carter, that would be an elite...
  17. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    You were probably being sarcastic but 40% of the cap is $90M. Top Qbs signing new contracts are in line to make in the $50M/yr+ range which is is bout 22% of Cap. A team-friendly deal now-a-days for an elite QB like Burrow would be him ONLY getting 18%-20% of the cap. (Mahomes is at 21% this...
  18. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    QBs are about to go 1-2-3-4. Imo it'll be Young - Stroud - Richardson - Levis. Then Seahawks and Lions get Jalen Carter and Will Anderson.
  19. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Just because it is what he wants doesn't mean that's what it would take to get him. He is set to make $32M this yr on the franchise tag. Daniel Jones is getting paid $41M/yr for 2 years... at least. If that is what Daniel Jones was worth, Lamar Jackson is CLEARLY worth up to $50M/yr. So given...
  20. calinative umstudent

    NFL OT - Carolina Panthers trade for the #1 overall pick

    Bad Business compared to what? Compared to Giants with Daniel Jones I'd argue it's good business.