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  1. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Big fan of your posts overall. I think it's wise to be concerned as a fan w/r/t TVD given our QB issues during the 2021 and 2022 seasons, as well as the fact Brown is obviously not ready for prime time yet (I think he has the potential to be a great one, but most likely not in 2023), and the...
  2. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Only yesterday I questioned whether or not we could get anyone worthwhile in the portal. What quality QB would want to transfer in to Miami with DVD ahead of him? The calculus changes if we can find a kid with 2-3 years to play and DVD is at less than 100%. So I have to agree this has to be...
  3. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Beware overinvolved parent.
  4. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    I hope you're right, Cribby. It was tough being a fan watching the situation with King unfold. Kid deserved better. And two coaches in Gattis and Ponce who should have known better last year rushing TVD back but in 20/20 hindsight may have been more interested in saving their jobs than in...
  5. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    I have taken to scrolling through threads looking only for names of people I respect to read their post. That's why it took me months to realize Liberty City was still on here as Memnon for example. I find new posters I like when the longtimers "sanction" them with a respectful @ or response...
  6. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Most people wouldn't. But some people are insane and just want to rage about something. CIS seems to be a magnet for that crowd, unfortunately. I'm not directing that observation at any particular poster, btw.
  7. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    I hope your opinion is wrong. I thought Ed Reed would do more for our recruiting over the past year or two tbh. So I'm not getting my hopes up too high. That said, I think Taylor has the desire and energy to grind which maybe Ed no longer has.
  8. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Sorry, but you cannot possibly blame Phillips for UNC. that was 100% on Manny. He made them pinch in regardless of what UNC was doing. In general, when Phillips or Roche were being washed out, it was almost always due to a misuse of personnel on Manny's part.
  9. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    @rok I tried to DM you but couldn't. Hope you know I was joking in my quote and reply back to you. I 100% agree with you that Bobby is a specimen. Not sure I see him in the back 5 even if he's fast enough. Doubt a guy that big has hips to do more than in-box work. But can't argue with "get a...
  10. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Do we know if Rivers is a All Conference type tackle? Because I think he's shown he can be that at guard. Mirabal's going to rotate anyone he can across the positions during practice. Question is what position is he naturally best at. I would say guard unless proven otherwise.
  11. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Hopefully more than a handful. 2 WR, 1 OT, 1 NG, 2 DBs, 1 OLB. That's 7, not counting QB or RB, where I don't expect we'll be able to find someone good enough to come given current roster.
  12. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Interesting way of looking at it. Maybe you're right. I never said I didn't want the kid to start this season eventually. Just burns me up we can't get through week 1 of Spring ball with a returning tackles not ceding the first team spot to a true freshmen.
  13. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Needs to work that drill 1000 more times.
  14. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    You're still a giant a-hole, Rok.
  15. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    FACTS. Even if that happens, it won't be as bad as last year. But we could end up being forced to start 3 freshmen at the same time at some point this season.
  16. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    I'm not just glad, I'm ecstatic. But the lack of talent prior to their arrival is mind-blowing.
  17. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    My 7/20/2020 post: "Not a Williams thread, but since you are talking about him, his huddle doesn't show he seeks contact. Hard to see him pull a Rousseau if he's not ready to get bloodied. Even as an OLB or Rover/striker, I worry about his tackling instincts. I know he's got elite athleticism...
  18. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    I'm sorry but this makes me both angry and sad. We are so weak and thin at offensive tackle. Clearly poor recruiting/development with Washington and McLaughlin, as they were always considered projects, and have never taken the next step. Behind them... nothing. So we're left with hoping a...
  19. grover

    Official Spring PractiSe #3: Thursday 3/9

    Has to be shells only, no?