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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Position coach bad-mouthed his guys to recruit and it got back to them?

    I saw Richt was making 4 and change. Guesstimate since UM didn't make it public. Where did you see 5? Also I'm not sure how the contracts are written, but it would seem reasonable to have come kind of adjustment clause in the contract to match inflation. If getting 8 mil per year due to a...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Position coach bad-mouthed his guys to recruit and it got back to them?

    T-urd is a banned word now? This is an outrage!
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Position coach bad-mouthed his guys to recruit and it got back to them?

    Richt earned a lot of goodwill by paying money out of his own pocket for the practice bubble- and he was making 1/3 the amount that Cristobal is making. Cristobal could earn back a lot of goodwill if he apologized to fans for the **** of a season we were forced to watch (and Cristobal...
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Position coach bad-mouthed his guys to recruit and it got back to them?

    One would like to believe that a coach making almost 9 million per year and with about a decade of head coaching experience wouldn't need training wheels. Well, here's to hoping he gets it right in season 2 at UM.