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  1. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    24 hours more. Increases my, I mean the polls replies and views.
  2. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    Of all the polls, #2 in replies and views. Just sayin
  3. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    I’m honestly not a fan of either of the monikers slurper or mope although there are a few that can be considered as such. We all have different perspectives based on any number of factors. Most are useful. Some, not so much.
  4. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    I’ve always considered myself to be a realist in the sense I prefer dealing with facts rather than speculation and conjecture. Dealing with reality is much less disappointing than being on the optimistic or pessimistic side.
  5. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    We had some technical difficulties last night and obviously missed on some worthy candidates.
  6. 423Hurricane

    Official Restarted Poll: 2022 CIS End of Year Awards Presents Slurper of the Year. The Sunshine of CIS

    @GoCanes!! (not to be confused with 15-0 @Go Canes!!) @WeBallinBoyz @TheOriginalCane @Bender @WanderFranco I am honored to present our esteemed nominees for 2022 Slurper of the Year. These fine gentlemen are the eternal optimists. Mario could go 5-7, lose by 40 in every loss...