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  1. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    You first implied that. Not me buddy. If you understand the context of what I said, you will see where I have an issue at.
  2. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    I'm confused.... Is TVD just now becoming active and trying to help? 🤔
  3. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    And all the other wrs we missed on.....
  4. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    I don't understand this.... Why wouldn't our "QB1" be involved with EVERY wr we're trying to get????
  5. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    Welp, there goes our chances
  6. Page305

    2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

    Lmao .... Same thing has been said about literally every wr we've contacted since the season ended