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  1. FrancisSawyer

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    I do agree with your post and you make a great point about taking a few years to change the cultural personnel. It's going to take a few years to truly build the type of rock solid foundation that is absolutely necessary to have before we go into battle head to head with the likes of Alabama...
  2. FrancisSawyer

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    Time to crank up the 2025 DT board because so far 2024 has been an unmitigated disaster. One bright spot with Artavious Jones and we better hope we keep him.
  3. FrancisSawyer

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    You're right! Look at those quality moves at DT. Good thing Mario was so motivated. This time it's personal! :ibis-roflmao-sm3: