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  1. N

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    It is a great option for him either way. 2 cool places to be at. Difference is winning and which program really wants it. Barners put up the cash because of Bama. If Miss State was bama, I imagine Ole Miss would throw more money in the program too. Really the only difference. Bama being bama...
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    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    I have said that for the past few years. He mimic's his hand movements, his head nods everything. He has Saban down to a T.
  3. N

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    They would both be good fits for him. Good call.
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    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    I think one of those isn't like the other, haha. Shame GT does have such a snobbish attitude, Prime would be a good fit in the ATL. They have been dreadful since their NC with Ross and O'leary.
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    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    I heard his name mentioned somewhere, is that legit? He going take Nix back to Auburn for another go, lol.
  6. N

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Interestingly enough Kingsbury was at top of my list for OC when we hired Shannon.