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  1. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Can we get Kiffin on the podcast? With all the posters that know him and what he’s thinking it should be fairly easy…
  2. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Considering more than 1 coach at a time seems risky…. Bold strategy..
  3. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    And I’d make them pay a massive buyout to fire me and a low one for me to walk to make up for the booster cluster**** and a premium salary if I were Kiffin…
  4. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Well it’s clear why… according to the folks here Auburn is an elite program with a history rivaling somewhere between current Alabama, historic Notre Dame and 27 Yankees…
  5. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Seems like just yesterday….
  6. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Yes. So the Lane Kiffin that would not, could not, should not be hired by Miami due to extracurriculars….. should go to Auburn, where their boosters just orchestrated a character assassination on their HC using extracurriculars….For a minor raise? Because they won the championship with Cam...
  7. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Mississippi law is smart: Texas A&M, Penn State, Miami, Michigan State…
  8. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    So he’s leaving for 250,000 a year increase and locking himself in for 10 years…. Got it
  9. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    How so?
  10. Angry Ibis

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Let me know when you find it because I’m not seeing it either.