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  1. 305_separatist

    X's and O's What If TVD Stays For 2023?

    Oof that last possibility hurts, precisely because it makes so much sense. If he goes to a modern offense for his last year RIP Mario QB rep for good.
  2. 305_separatist

    X's and O's What If TVD Stays For 2023?

    Well you can literally always say that about the starting QB can’t you. Why are we playing him this year or last when it just hurts Garcia? It’s because winning now is more important than a *maybe* higher chance of winning in future years. Especially when the much bigger variable in that outcome...
  3. 305_separatist

    X's and O's What If TVD Stays For 2023?

    I never really understood the thinking on this stuff. If he comes back, and plays, it’s because he’s in theory still the best QB. So how would that be bad for the team? I guess it only makes sense if you think the 2nd string guy is truly going to be better all around come game time, but if he’s...