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  1. HRIKN

    MEGA Mega Merged Stadium Thread.

    Absolutely correct sir.
  2. HRIKN

    MEGA Mega Merged Stadium Thread.

    Whenever the new stadium is built, I will be one of the first persons to buy season tickets should I live that long. Until then, I will sit on my back porch and watch the grass grow. I don't play the stock market, but as long as we are playing the "if" game here is another proposal. If...
  3. HRIKN

    MEGA Mega Merged Stadium Thread.

    What is amusing about this thread is, if they built a stadium tomorrow. there would be other threads started about how bad the new stadium was in regards to traffic, attendance, prices, location, etc., etc.
  4. HRIKN

    MEGA Mega Merged Stadium Thread.

    This stadium on campus has been done to death. Even during the OB days. Nothing has really changed over all the years. I can't remember how many different people have came up with a plan and raised money to build a stadium. I agree HRS is not the ideal stadium for UM, but it is all we have at...
  5. HRIKN

    MEGA Mega Merged Stadium Thread.

    I've been to games with crowds like this and we won. I've also been to games that were sold out and we lost. So, blaming the loss on the size of the crowd does not fly. It was obvious from the start, for any amount of reasons, the team was not ready to play.