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  1. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    DC Jr and 🐔 are each gonna have 1k
  2. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    Frankenstein is a problem for this oline. Hopefully for others as well.
  3. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    I’m here and also watching g in my phone. They’ve barely shown the game lol.
  4. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    I literally had to double check the roster. Maybe another serving out of the many servings I’ve had in the past few years of crow
  5. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    It’s super easy if you go through McNabb and then go South on 10th it’s literally five minutes to park.
  6. pacusmc

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    It’s super easy if you go through McNabb and then go South on 10th it’s literally five minutes to park. I left my house at 11:30 and I’m literally just hit the parking space