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  1. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    I'm sure they'll have a good scheme. Could be a shoot out, but I think our defense will be better, but not great this year keeping teams under 30. So, if we can get 30 points a game we should win all games outside of Clemson and TamU.
  2. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    No. You're missing my point. What I'm saying is that what we have right now is better than most of our opponents. They have just as many holes if not more and with less talent. However, as we all know, talent doesn't equal wins. It's up to the new staff to change that narrative.
  3. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    Regarding Pitt, they were ACC champions in 2021. That was last year. It's just funny to me how nobody including the people that calculated Pitt to be 47% chance to win the Coastal in 2022 and Miami is at 22%. I get Miami having low odds. We've only won the Coastal once. However, Pitt has...
  4. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    Nobody is writing teams off. This is about expectations to win. What you described is a 7-5 expectation and that's fine. That's your expectation. You're trying to muddle it up with iffs and buts making excuses. Don't those teams have the same excuses? UNC - new QB. Playing UM on the...
  5. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    Nobody thinks we're a championship level team. Those are just excuses as nearly every team on our schedule outside of TamU and Clemson has worse issues. Less I remind you, we have more Blue Chip athletes than any other ACC team except Clemson. UNC likely close. Who's going to beat us or who...
  6. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    Last year the expectation was 10 wins going into the season. Why should the expectation be any less than last year? We were 2 plays away from winning 9 games last year under a poorly coached team. Perhaps you think the team will play worse under the new coaching staff than they did under...
  7. Number1CanesFan

    Spring Spring PractiSe 15: Spring Game!!!!!!!

    I don't believe in "hating" on our young men, but there's a difference between hate and criticism. Let's not draw conclusions after one Spring game. Ivey has always looked good in practices. That has not been his problem. I hope the coaching staff has helped him improve his game. At his...