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  1. Tru C

    Coaching Dan Mullen OC Poll

    I guess it means another major program won’t go after him? What you think? Anyway, this is getting off topic. Bottom line for “me“ it is time to win. Give me the coach(s) that know how to do that. Period. I don’t care how weird, how much of an a hole, whatever, just win.
  2. Tru C

    Coaching Dan Mullen OC Poll

    Bowling Green: 17-6 Utah: 22-2 Florida: 65-15 Ohio State 83-9 3 Nattys Sir, my apologies for saying kiss my ***, that was uncalled for on my part. With that said, you are being very very disingenuous if you think Miami doesn’t have a sordid history of coaches looking the other way on...
  3. Tru C

    Coaching Dan Mullen OC Poll

    Man gtfoh! Spare me the morality talk! Do I need to remind you of Cane history? When you win the way Meyer has at Bowling Green, Utah, Florida, and Ohio State, you can kiss my *** with the other bs.
  4. Tru C

    Coaching Dan Mullen OC Poll

    Mario is no more intense, alpha, elite recruiter or any other adjective than Urban Meyer, and my recollection is that Mullen did just fine under that regime.
  5. Tru C

    Coaching Dan Mullen OC Poll

    **** yea!