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  1. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Merriam Webster says otherwise it seems: Definition of unacceptable : not acceptable : not pleasing or welcome Says nothing to the need to enforce a consequence due to finding something unacceptable. At this point, we can agree to disagree. If you find that acceptable.
  2. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Even the AD and the boosters understand they can’t just start firing people this early into the contracts they hold. Seems to me like you're alluding to that I was? As for declaring it unacceptable to see the start we have had, I have no delusion of what it means in the large scheme of...
  3. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Rebuilding to me would've been inheriting a program that was senior heavy the previous season or had finished 2-10/3-9. Had we coached/played/prepared better, this team could've been 4-0 and no worse than 3-1. Instead, we look a mess w/ no confidence level of winning out excluding the likely...
  4. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    What you do is hold the program and it's leaders accountable. Same thing they say to their players when they underperform, right? I'm not going to stop watching after almost 50 years of doing so. But I do expect progress from a starting point of a season that wasn't acceptable for the previous...
  5. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Duplicating or possibly even taking a step back from that record (let's not forget the fluke F$U loss that would've saved his job in some scenarios), shouldn't be acceptable. Not for one second. When you take into consideration all the money invested, the staff on hand, access to the portal, and...
  6. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    When you see your conquerors being conquered and you're left smh. Both today and yesterday.
  7. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    What makes us think that Life Wallet or any of the NIL players would've been available for Lane or many other coaches? Sure, Lane is darn good HC, but his butt wasn't staying in CG the moment he had some good success and the NFL or a bigger program came rolling out the dough. As disappointed...
  8. Caned Peach

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Not even going to bother reading the whole thread. But if someone is trying to organize a chant versus our own players, just wow. Maybe it's time to take a step back and analyze your priorities and hobbies/interests.