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  1. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    We’ll get back where we belong sooner or later. Much more leverage to be had when we make the CFP.
  2. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    I laugh all the time, at things that are actually funny.
  3. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    No, it wouldn't be funny at all. It would only be funny to people who can't otherwise express anger.
  4. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    you can compare deals for an individual school, but not schools themselves; way too many confounding variables.
  5. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    That's apples to oranges; I'm talking about comparing Miami with Adidas to Miami with Nike. Miami has a different brand than Bama. Bama wins a lot but I wouldn't compare the []__[] to any other school.
  6. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    We'd sell more Nike gear independent of our performance. So you can't do an apples to apples comp.
  7. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    Adidas’ mercy is inferior to Nike. The Adidas merch is “complete trash” and inferior to Nike; so we lost the deal right there. Now watch how much more we make when we switch.
  8. Bunker Mentality

    Nike deal

    Richt brought back unis...