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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Spring PractiSe #3: Te'Cory Couch, Keyshawn Smith, Zion Nelson, and Gilbert Frierson.

    Also, the East coast of North America has a warm water current bringing water from the Caribbean to the north. The West Coast has a cold water current bringing water from Alaska down to the south. So even if the temperatures are identical, the east side of North America tends to get more...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Spring PractiSe #3: Te'Cory Couch, Keyshawn Smith, Zion Nelson, and Gilbert Frierson.

    Rolle was moved all over the place. One play he would be in coverage, the next play he would leave the receiver and blitz.
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Spring PractiSe #3: Te'Cory Couch, Keyshawn Smith, Zion Nelson, and Gilbert Frierson.

    I sense Imminent Thread Derailment from the body-fat experts...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Spring PractiSe #3: Te'Cory Couch, Keyshawn Smith, Zion Nelson, and Gilbert Frierson.

    But have any high school recruits said that they want to play with TVD? That's really all that matters, right?