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  1. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    If he was a "phenomenal" wrestler, he would have gotten Masv to submit. The fact Masv blocked the majority of his take downs, on 6 days notice....well, what can you say. As for White, wouldn't surprise me one bit if something like this does lead to some rule changes. Money talks, and people...
  2. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    Not sure how that's relevant. Any of those guys would kick any of our asses. The majority of people don't like it. Doesn't matter what you and I think to be honest. It's bad for the sport. It's cheap manipulation of a human based point system.
  3. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    It's not about anyone crying, it's simply a subjective thing where MANY people don't feel the way he fights is truly fighting, at least not in the "hand to hand" combat spirit of things. I'm fully aware that some people consider it pure...but those are in the minority. Like i said before this...
  4. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    Granted, it's all subjective. They don't care about my opinion and I don't care about theirs. But, the majority of people don't like or respect the way he fights. It's a sport that's driven by PPV sales and gamesmanship plays a large factor in a guys success. I know his life cycle won't be...
  5. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    Or we can simply choose to ignore him, disrespect him, and do the ultimate thing that hurts and that's not not pay to watch his foot stomping, 6 shoulder inch pl History also remembers the 2002 Ohio State championship and the 1972 Russian olympic basketball team gold medal.....slippery slope...
  6. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    Oh trust me, I know. I wrestled in high school so if anyone should have an appreciation for Usman style, it's me.....and I don' least not in this arena. I simply can't get on board with your (and in fairness many others as well) logic on this. It's unwatchable garbage in a hand to hand...
  7. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    You and I usually share similar takes, but here's one where we're on different planets. In team sports like football, basketball, and baseball......winning is all that matters. No apologies need to be made. Boxing and UFC, how you win matters. These guys all care about being the best and...
  8. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    After I get over my hangover tomorrow morning, trust me Usman will be forgotten. There's nothing worse than not being respected. Like I said, I'll never pay to watch another one of his "fights", and I use that term about as loosely as one could.
  9. Jedi Master Cane

    MMA UFC Fight Island

    Usman is the Floyd Mayweather of UFC. Un-phucking-watchable. It's no wonder so many people don't like him. Stomping on your opponents foot and throwing harmless shoulder charges from 6 inches away is a sure fire way to create a legacy. Spare me the "all that matters is winning" nonsense when...