Off-Topic Tier one Special mission unit; special operations; military

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View attachment 290497

Ask any operator about this, and you will see even amongst real men, this draws the line between the men and the boys. Most guys didn’t want to do this. ****, most guys didn’t even want to jump their own equipment.

Many guys would freak out mid-air, cut the bundle away, or pull the parachute early. We called this “ending the nightmare.” We would tell them to sit in the classroom, “gather their emotions,” and get ready for the next jump.

I have never seen this as a nightmare. This is my gear, mission essential gear that will aid in killing as many savages as possible in the shortest amount of time. The way I always figured itI AM THE ******* NIGHTMARE”.

I'd be mighty tempted to shoot a fellow team member that cut away that pack - it could hit another teammate - and what I carried was not just for me - but the entire team.

Once I had this communication load - our coms guys were already loaded up and this "box" must have weighed as much or more than I did - and since I had a lighter load - it was given to me to get it to the ground.

You see - there's the smart way - there's the dumb way - and then there's the military way -

If you do YOURS the smart way - the military will find another WAY - to negate everything smart YOU did.

One adventure after another.

Wouldn't change a thing, though.