Off-Topic World History

The implication that a wave implies tolerance and acceptance is incorrect. Hitler refused to shake hands with any athletes that weren't German. If the implication was that the German people and Europeans were more accepting, then absolutely. Hitler, not a chance.
I don't remember saying that it did.

And again, I'm not Jesse Owens.
My great-grandfather died at the hands of a German U-boat.

The same U-boat was later found by a Cuban Submarine chaser, which was the smallest vessel in WW2 to sink a U-boat.

With D-Day's 80th Anniversary in five days and the contemporary difficulties the JLOTS "pier" is having in Gaza, the story of the Mulberry Harbors used to supply the Allies in the tenuous first months of the invasion, their difficulties (like JLOTS) with adverse weather, and their key contribution to victory needs to be re-told:
