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  1. Hold My Beer

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    Hey Siri. Why does a certain CIS poster insist on referring to himself in the third person? "It's a branding thing, kind of like someone using one name instead of a first name and last name. 'It is saying: I am so famous that I only need one name and everyone knows who I am. Think: TrumpyCane...
  2. Hold My Beer

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    Washed up Jimbo wasn't winning big no matter who he signed
  3. Hold My Beer

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    Bags are crucial for consistent success, but coaches and players still gotta get it done. Fisher had the best recruiting classes money could buy and went 10-13 in the SEC his last three seasons.